Protection mainstreaming, or Safe & Dignified Programming, is the process of incorporating protection principles and promoting meaningful access, safety and dignity in humanitarian aid. “Protection Mainstreaming” relates to the approach we take in all our programs. It does not mean changing WHAT we do but means we should think about HOW assistance is provided. This is essentially about safe, good quality programming. It is the responsibility of all humanitarian actors and should be applied to all projects.
Our Protection Mainstreaming Approach
- Briefing Note – Agency Approach to Protection Mainstreaming [English] [Français] [Español] [اللغة العربية]
- Link Between Core Components through Safety, Dignity & Access [English] [Français] [Español] [اللغة العربية]
Protection Mainstreaming Framework
- Full Document [English] [Français] [Español] [اللغة العربية]
In a rapid onset disaster, please use this checklist as the essentials to be put in place in the early stages of an emergency response.
- Rapid Emergency Protection Mainstreaming Checklist [English] [Français] [Español] [اللغة العربية]
The following guidance may be helpful to you in incorporating protection mainstreaming considerations into proposals
- Guidance for Protection Mainstreaming in Proposals [English]
This tool aims to guide country programs in deciding whether to pursue a funding opportunity for stand-alone protection programming in humanitarian response contexts.
- Go/No-Go decision checklist for protection standalone programs [English]
Sector/Activity Specific Tools
This segment houses specific tools for sector activities in shelter and market-based responses, as well as for distributions and on-boarding of new staff.
- Distributions: Protection Mainstreaming Checklist for Safe Distributions [English]
- Human Resources: Staff Onboarding/Orientation Checklist [English]
- Market-Based Response: Protection Mainstreaming Checklist for Cash-Based Programs [English]
- Shelter: Protection Mainstreaming Checklist for Shelter [English][Français]
- WASH: Protection Mainstreaming Checklist for WASH [English]
- Livelihoods: Protection Mainstreaming Checklist for Livelihoods [English]
- Education: Protection Mainstreaming Checklist for Education [English]
- Health: Protection Mainstreaming Checklist for Health [English]
Please take some time to review this short CRS presentation discussing Safe & Dignified Programming/Protection Mainstreaming in emergencies.
These videos are also available in: [Français] [Español] [Arabic]
Guidance and tools focused on needs assessment, risk analysis, age & gender markers, disability questions and Protection Mainstreaming in proposals
Targeting & Diversity of Need
Guidance and tools designed to identify the specific needs, vulnerabilities and capacities of communities and people affected by crisis while taking into account the diversity within communities including those who may be marginalized or disadvantaged
Information Sharing
Guidance and tools to ensure communities and people affected by the crisis are informed of their rights and entitlements and have access to accurate and timely information
Community Engagement & Participation
Guidance and tools to ensure active and inclusive community engagement in all stages of the program cycle
Feedback, Complaints & Response Mechanisms
Guidance on developing feedback, complaint and response mechanisms
Staff Conduct
Guidance and tools on how staff can conduct themselves and their work in a safe and appropriate way
Mapping & Referral
Guidance and tools focused on mapping existing extension services, developing referral pathways, psychological first aid, GBV Pocket Guide
Coordination and Advocacy
Coordination/Cluster guidance for existing and new coordination structures, advocacy approaches and accountability tools
Safeguarding and Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)
A series of guidance, toolkits, trainings and resources focused on Safeguarding and Protection Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse