Project Start-Up
Any successful project begins with staffing and a Sample Job Description for a DRR Manager has been developed. For further support in developing job descriptions across the DRR project, oral as well as written interview questions, please contact the DRR/R Team directly at the email on the bottom of the page.
Community-Led Disaster Risk Management
The Guide to Facilitating Community‑Led Disaster Risk Management for the CLDRM process contains the structure for what facilitating and implementing a standard DRR project. However, it should be noted that due to the various contexts CRS implements DRR projects, the individual tools may look different (and some may be removed entirely). Field-level facilitation guides should always be developed with input from partners and government, ensuring they align with other relevant approaches in country and are realistic based on the availability of participating communities. Additionally, when drafting field-level facilitation guides for implementation of CLDRM, it is recommended to reach out to the DRR/R team to refine those tools prior to field testing
Considerations for Project Close-Out
DRR/R projects have often led to other funding opportunities in development sectors focusing on agriculture, education, housing, land tenure and natural resource management among others. Larger scale DRR/R projects tend to focus on scaling up activities implemented during the pilot phase. There is ample opportunity for continued interaction and capacity building of government actors and has involved formal partnerships with national ministries and municipal government. Involving them in the pilot phase will help secure future engagement.
For additional support please contact the DRR/R Team at [email protected]