Check with the country program (or regional office, if there is no CP) before implementing this procedure. They may have established value limits and processes that are different from the ones we describe here.
Process Outline
- Requester submits approved Purchase Requisition Form to Procurement
- Procurement does research on what’s available in market and takes notes, preferably using the Verbal Quotation Notes Form.
- Procurement discusses options with Requester and they decide together on best option
- The Office makes the purchase by one of two methods:
- Procurement fills out a Purchase Order, has it approved by the appropriate authority, and brings it to the vendor to arrange for delivery of the item. (See Receiving New Items in the Office)
- Someone other than a procurement staff member brings payment to the vendor and picks up the item.
Purchase Requisition Form (PRF)
Purchasing File Contents Sheet
Purchasing Research Notes Template
Purchase Order (optional)
Other Purchase Level Outlines
$50 – $500 (this page)