Request for General Local Purchase Approval Waiver
Form to Request General Waiver of Local Purchase Approval Requirement
Request for Sole-Source Procurement
The Sole-Source Authorization Form (SAF)
Local Procurement Forms
If you are working under an established country program, first try to get their forms and policies.
But if you are on your own, or if you can’t get forms from the country program or region, use the ones we have linked below.
In the table below, click on the name of the form to download the form itself, or the word “Instructions” to go to a page that explains the form and how to use it.
HQ Procurement Forms
Use one of these forms if you are asking for HQ’s assistance in purchasing. You will also use them to request a Local Purchase Approval.
Use the online version if you have good internet access.
Use the Excel version if you can’t use the online version.
HQ Requisition Form – Online (links to Global) | <!–span style=”font-size: small;”> Picture of Form*</span–> | |
HQ Requisition Form – Excel file |
<!–span style=”font-size: small;”>* This link (“Picture of Form”) will show you a picture of the form only. It will look like a web page, but it will not be a real web page. This picture can help you to prepare answers to the questions before signing on line, but will not accept any data. When you want to enter data into a real form, click on the first link, the one with the name of the form, to get the live form on Global. Be prepared with your Global user name and password.</span–>
CRS Procurement Manual
The CRS Global Procurement manual and its annex can be found on the Global Procurement site in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. If you have good internet access, a link to that site can be found here (links to Global).
If you do not have good internet access, offline versions of the CRS Global Procument Manual can be downloaded here:
– English CRS CORE Procurement Manual; English APPENDIX – Global Procurement
– Arabic CRS CORE Procurement Manual; Arabic APPENDIX – Global Procurement HQ
– FRENCH CRS CORE Procurement Manual; French APPENDIX – Global Procurement HQ
– Spanish CRS CORE Procurement Manual; Spanish APPENDIX – Global Procurement HQ