If agency global procurement and internal controls thresholds are too restrictive to support program needs, submit the Emergency Rapid Response Waiver Request ERRWR template (Refer to pg 235 of the Global supply Chain Manual).
Validity period of 90 days; resubmit to extend period; consider using earlier date for waiver activation if needed.
Approval Process: CR –> RD/DRD MQ –> Director of Global Procurement –> Chief Financial Officer.
The ERRWR does NOT create a waiver to donor requirements, only to CRS policies. We must continue to follow donor requirements, if donor funded.
Establishing emergency cash for use in the event of evacuation or to immediately pay staff salaries due to loss of bank access does NOT fall under the ERRWR, but is approved through CR and RD sign off and should be done as a priority task at the immediate onset of the emergency when necessary.