Market-Based Response

Market Based Rapid Response and Recovery (MBRRR) refers to a broad set of disaster response options that move away from traditional bulk purchase and distribution methods to approaches that work through local markets and aim to give greater flexibility and choice to program participants.  This methodology draws upon local markets to deliver assistance to crisis-affected populations. A variety of methods are tailored to the context and needs, including cash transfers, vouchers that are redeemable for a range of commodities or services at selected vendors or specially-organized fairs, and local and regional procurement (LRP) of food and/or non-food items.

MBRRR activities can also include support to vendors, transporters, financial service providers, and other services that form part of local market systems.  MBRRR activities can take place before a crisis, in the immediate aftermath, and in early recovery.

A solid understanding of specific needs and resources of the target population, intra-household dynamics and local market conditions are critical to designing interventions that are the most appropriate for the given context at the given time.  Cash, vouchers, and other input options based on market and needs analysis give households and individuals more control over the assistance delivered, have multiplying effects on communities and local markets, expedite recovery, and are often more cost-efficient and timely than traditional in-kind assistance.

The Operations Guidance for Cash-Based Programming starts from the point where the decision is taken to engage in cash-based programming and will assist in determining the most appropriate modality to use in your specific context as well as the steps in implementing the process.

A number of different materials have been developed to help orient staff to the diverse MBRRR interventions and tools available.  These include:

MBRRR Introductory Video (Coming soon!)

MBRRR Standard Training