Emergency responses are busy times. You want to minimize the time that people are standing around waiting for a vehicle, as well as the possibility of multiple vehicles (carrying only a couple of staff each) going to the same locations at the same time due to inefficient or poor planning. Planning and coordination is critical to address those situations.
- Set the expectation that all staff will plan their vehicle use ahead of time if at all possible. Eventually you’ll want programs to plan their field trips at least a week in advance. But during an emergency response a day ahead may be all you can reasonably ask for. Below are some tools you can give staff to help them to do this planning. A good practice in Emergency is to have a Vehicle Schedule and Plan presented on a white board.
- Don’t let people keep cars with them while they are at long meetings unless it is absolutely necessary; in difficult security situations, it might be necessary for staff to retain the vehicle.
Vehicle Plan & Request Templates: Few templates are presented below and can be use based on the transport scheduling method. There is not a one-method-fits-all and fleet managers and programs team should be agile in implementing them in the context.
The templates below can be used in conjunction or as a single scheduling method based on the agreed vehicle scheduling strategy.
The department or sector head is responsible to submit the forms within the agreed deadline to allow the fleet manager to consolidate all the request and coordinate with the requestors (making a request does not warrant access to vehicle).
Weekly Vehicle Plan Form – Department’s weekly plan and request form.
*Vehicle Daily Use Plan Form – Department’s daily plan and request form.
*Vehicle Request Form (English) and Français– Individual’s one-time vehicle use request. This form can be used as a daily vehicle request plan.
* Vehicle Daily Use Plan Form is for multiple vehicles while the Vehicle Request Form is for one vehicle