
It is critical in program design to ensure that you have enough staff, with competencies in cash. Here are key staffing considerations and links to job descriptions.

2.1 Key Staff and Job Descriptions

Cash Program Manager: The PM should have familiarity with markets and cash-based programs. However, it is more important that s/he has experience and ability to implement an emergency program; generalists who are inexperienced in cash can usually manage a CTP well if it is designed well.

a) Cash-related competencies Coming Soon!

b) Sample Cash PM JD

Finance Staff: Cash-based programs will generally put more strain on the Finance team, whereas traditional distributions rely more heavily on the logistics team (procurement, warehousing and fleet). As a result, programs should consider increasing the number of Finance staff at the start of a cash or voucher project.

a) Cash-related competencies Coming Soon!

b) Sample Finance JD

Logistics/ Procurement Staff: Logistics, Procurement or Supply Chain staff should be able to conduct a market assessment to inform program response and, if possible be able to implement a cash-based program. This is common because these staff generally have markets backgrounds or knowledge.

a) Cash-related competencies Coming Soon!

b) Sample Procurement Officer JD

MEAL Staff: MEAL staff may be called upon to conduct market assessments or monitoring, in collaboration with Program or Logistics/ Supply Chain staff. Market monitoring is critical to ensuring that cash-based programs remain relevant and appropriate in the context. MEAL staff are also important for objective 3rd party monitoring of program activities.

a) Cash-related competencies Coming Soon!

b) Sample JD Coming Soon!

ICT staff: If using electronic transfers, you may need a tech-savvy person to support.

a) Cash-related competencies Coming Soon!

b) Sample ICT Staff JD

2.2 Scopes of Work for market assessments and other cash-related activities

a) Market Assessment SoW

b) Cash TA SoW

c) Markets TA SoW

d) Livelihoods Assessment SoW Coming Soon!

e) Short-term TA Support for Food Vouchers

f) Short-term training on PCMA

2.3 Required Meetings: A key factor of the success of a cash-based program is to have regular meetings with both Programming and Operations staff. Short meetings are fine! Teams should plan for:

  • At least one joint meeting during the planning phase.
  • Regular meetings (at least monthly) during implementation, to look at monitoring data together and determine if any program adjustments need to be made.