Before you undertake the following steps, make sure you have prepared well. Click here for what to do before you actually send anything.
- Warehouse Officer loads or oversees loading of goods into trucks.
- If the entire truck is dedicated to CRS material, the Warehouse Officer and Driver oversee securing of truck with tamper-proof lock. If the truck is not closed in, if the items are loaded open to the air, the two make sure the cargo is protected with a well-secured plastic covering.
- A Warehouse staff person prepares Waybills. He/She prepares a separate Waybill for each separate vehicle that is carrying items.
For proper segregation of duties, the person who prepares the Waybills cannot be the people who initiated and approved the Stock Release Form, the Warehouse Manager (who will approve the Waybill), or the person who keeps the ledger and other records in the warehouse.
- Warehouse Manager signs completed waybills, keeps fourth and fifth copies, gives first three to driver.
When the shipment is on its way, you’ll be ready to finish up, with record keeping. Click here for your final steps.