For information about receiving deliveries to the warehouse, click here.
Whenever new items arrive at the office or guest house (from a vendor, from another CRS office, from anywhere), we must officially Receive the items.
If the items are something we have purchased from a vendor, we will pay for the items only after we have Received them, that is, verified in writing that what we ordered and were billed for is exactly what we got.
And all items, from a vendor, from another CRS office, or somewhere else, must go into our stock or inventory records so we can account for them later.
Assign one staff member to be responsible for all Receiving. Because we must Segregate Duties, this person must not be a member of the the Purchasing Department.
When a delivery arrives (or a staff person picks up a new item and brings it back to the office) the Receiving Official will:
- Count the items in the delivery to make sure the right number of items have arrived.
- Compare the number and type of items to the Waybill (or Packing List, or other document that accompanies the items).
- Inspect them to make sure:
- They are in good condition.
- They are what we were expecting to receive.
- Record the information about what we received on:
- Any Waybill or other documentation that the delivery person might have.
- A Goods Received Note.
- Record durable items worth over $50 on the Inventory List.
- For any item that is put on the inventory list, write the inventory number (from the Inventory List) on the item.
- Officially hand the items over to the person who will be responsible for them. Click here to download an Equipment Handover Form.