Non-Food Items are a critical part of many emergency responses. However, it is critical to determine the best modality in acquiring these goods – Cash, Voucher, Direct Distribution or a hybrid of modalities.
- Do your needs assessment, with QUACK (Quick Appraisals of Local Market) tool
- Estimate how long NFIs will be required before markets become functional, needs become more diverse and thus cash becomes appropriate (guidance coming soon)
- Estimate NFI needs only for the needed period, to be combined with cash or other approaches as appropriate. It is important not to be distributing NFIs past the appropriate time if markets are functioning to carry that load.
When local markets are resilient enough they have the potential to both provide the needed relief goods fastest to those affected, while also serving as local investment points into the local economy with an eye towards the future fostering community led recovery processes. Local market based interventions should always be a first response choice when market conditions are favorable, and when negative potential consequences on prices and supply are low and/or can be mitigated. More information on this response can be found at the Markets Based Rapid Response & Recovery page.
Regardless of the modality, it will be important to have a clear view of the priority items for the context of your response. As such, please find sector specific NFI items in the sections below.
*Please Note – HRD is in the process of expanding the scope of this section
Shelter package designs will be context specific to meet the needs of the local population. A typical shelter package for the initial stages of an emergency intervention may include
- Tarps,
- Ropes,
- Shade netting,
- CGI sheeting,
- Cement,
- Tents,
- Winterization for Tents,
- Timber and Bamboo
According to SPHERE and to general good WASH practices in the sector any hygiene kit should always include the water storage and collection items as these are an integral part of the hygiene kit. Therefore, it is suggested to create a unique hygiene kit that combines the Hygiene & Household Water Kits as well as a Solid Waste Collection Kit and Latrine Cleaning Kit – Water Testing Kits and Items for Water Supply are also listed.
Below you’ll find listed the different items/kit with a short rationale of each ones aim. It is important to underline that composition of each kit is indicative, thus the respective kits should be adapted to specific needs and considerations should be taken to local norms and the cultural context.
- Hygiene & Household Water Kits
- Solid Waste Collection Kit Coming Soon!
- Latrine Cleaning Kit Coming Soon!
- Water Testing Kit
- Water Supply (Ground Bladder, 30m3 Onion Tank, 6m3 Trucking Bladder, 5m3 Storage Tank Kit, Tank Sheets, and Tank Fitting Kit)
Pictures are also provided to show type and quality required for items as well as to help procurement staff to identify items in local markets or with national providers – some items have links to international suppliers.