When you orient a new staff person, you give that person information about CRS generally, the country program in which the emergency response is happening, and the emergency response specifically.
In an emergency setting you will be tempted to skip this step – don’t. Research shows that staff who are oriented properly stay with their organizations longer.
Information about CRS Generally
We have attached three documents that you can give to and go over with staff new to CRS.
- CRS History and Mission Statement
- CRS Guiding Principles
- CRS Code of Conduct (English) / CRS Code de conduite (French) / CRS Código de Conducta (Spanish)
Information about the Country Program
We have attached an example of a summary of country program information and a template that the country program can use for their own information.
- Country Program Information Summary, Example from Pakistan
- Country Program Information Template
Information about the Emergency Response
For this, give the new employee the latest Situation Reports, or draw up your own summary of:
- Details of the event
- The resulting needs of the affected population
- Any important details about the local situation that affect what we are doing
- Which needs CRS will be attempting to address
- Which partners and donors we are working with
You can send this information to the new employee before he or she arrives, or go over it with him or her on his or her first day (or both).