Stock Release Form (Dispatch Request)



No specific format. It can be an email, a memo, or a table.  But it must be authorized by the stock owner with a signature.


Communicates to the Warehouse Officer the request from the stock owner to release a given quantity of specific items to a pre-determined receiver. The completed Stock Release form must be signed by both the stock owner (instruction/request)  and the Warehouse Manager (acceptance).

How to Use       

The stock owner writes the instruction to release a specific type and number of stock to a specific destination and recipient, provides the requested delivery dates, and any other detail that the warehouse staff might need to complete the delivery.

The completed document is signed by the stock owner, and then sent to the Warehouse Manager to draft the waybill and execute the delivery together with the Warehouse Officer.

How to Distribute Copies

The form can either be electronic or paper. If paper, it must be in three copies:

Original and one copy:  Warehouse office files

Original, duly authorized by the Logistics Officer sent to warehouse officer for action and filing.

First copy for the logistics office files

Second copy for the files of the stock owner

Click here for the Dispatch Stock Request Form 

Click here for a list of all Warehousing Forms